semi sugar scoop transom, and with the back stay split in two it makes access over the back far easier.

The 3 bladed bronze prop has been cleaned and greased. it is in excellent order, and is a Vario pitch type. efficient under power and sail, This is the skeg that takes the weight off the rudders when taking the ground ( It also offers the prop a great deal of protection from picking up the dreaded lobster pots etc..)

Starboard quarter, Clean and sharp,

The Cast iron, lift keel, was fully retracted at Haul out, , then lowered down to clean it and take the weight off the hydraulics.

Ground off the few areas of Rust along edges, threated with an acid "Cure rust" type system, then coated with Primercon before being over painted with Antifoul

mid ships starboard side, The reflection is self evident!

foredeck, note self tacking jib track across deck,

Electric windlass ( Lemar H2) beneath deck hatch, with top access to chain locker,
Anchor is a 15Kg Bruce with 10m chain and 30m warp,

View aft down port side deck, Note silver reflactive forward facing saloon screens,

and similar view down starboard side, Deck stepped mast,

Heavy Cap shroud plates, inboard, and waste tank pump out,

drop down mast step to port helps access mainsail at Mast end to pack, or wrap etc, Selden Kicker has extra stiff insert,

Nice detail the mid ship spring cleats have solid stainless scupper/fairlead surrounds,

spray hood down, ( note duraded decent deck vents, )

Spray hood, leather bound grabs, ( infact still in plastic from new each side!)

NEW perspex wash boards in place, ( she has the original Teak one as well, ) and neat control lines with stay neat system, window to aft cabin, Opener

Teak all freshly cleaned, and all GRP cleaned and polished August 2017, main sheet track ahead of wheel, note angine controls aft to port, also note back stay tensioner with sheet winch handle

binicle with canvas cover off, bow thruster joy stick this side, smaller wheel shown in Photos there is another larger diameter wheel as well. but having sailer her to wind in a decent blow, I can see the sense in having the slightly smaller wheel to improve access around cockpit, note "SS" lift out aft GRP section to open back cockpit,
Steering is Whitlock Cobra system with a joining bar across each rudder quadrant under deck,
( photo shortly)

nice Teal all round, shore power point just visible at bottom, KEEL switch and guage right of Compass. you can JUST see the access filler caps, that allow attachment of the emergency tiller to either rudder head


aft to starboard, deep stowage and Gas locker, will take two 4.5 KG Butane

and bigger still to port, swallow all fenders,

aft end, all polished, heater exhaust bottom left, drop down four step swim ladder,

Radar and Navtex on pole,

Lazy Jacks to main, two feer points,

All Seldon Alloy spars, Double swept spearders, all 1x19 Stainless standing rigging, chromed bronze bottle screws,, Backstay has manual tensioner unit, Self tacking Jib on track, Furlex Headsail furler, Single line reefing lead to cockpit,
Sails ( In very nice order)
Main, self tacking jib, ( laundered Aug 2017 and tatty luff tape repaired,)
and Little if ever used Gennaker, with Hyde Furler,

mast head, Tricolour light set up, VHF antenna, and TV omnimax, with Hawk wind arrows,
Direction and speed sensor out of view forward,

View from hatch, double leaf table at dinette to port, Keel box central, nav area then galley to starboard, Laminated Teak / Holly flooring,

Fore peak, with nice strip lining, and high level shelf, opening hatch over,

hanging locker to port, and reading LED

same to starboard,

easy access to Bow thruster,

and floor just outside hatch lifted to access Log and sounder head,

heads set to port, with shower, Tap faucet lifts out, NEW electric Toilet fitted together with Holding tank, never actually used yet!

Galley set to starboard,

stowage and drawers to port behind Chef!

looking aft, fridge at setp, note GRP POD to lower helm controls etc.

neat nav station, hatch over, C120 screen, and autopilot head, ( remotes) VHF heater controls etc to right domestic switches through Smoked perspex door,under chart table

controls over head, and vent, Linings all clean

Neat domestic panel with Fuel/water guage

locker aft, and door to aft cabin

hanging locker just inside door,

huge berth, high level shelf,

Lockers under berth,

drawer through front, and good access to all servcies as required.

aft bulkhead drop out panel, steering link system ( twin rudders)

looking across to port, nice lockers,

ahead of berth, engine access, and services cupboard left, note 12v outlet for what ever.. up high

top lifts for a quick check. or the whole box will come away for really good access Raw water strainer in view,

Dolphin 40 amp smart charging system , 3 x AGM 130A batteries, 1 x AGM 70 battery, full shore power 240v system, hot water tank has calorifieer as well as Immersion heater.

whilst talking servcies, this is floor removed by Domestic panel by Nav station, acess to stainless tank, and Keel lift hydraulic pump etc, there is a failsafe manual lift system,

and keel Pin is stowed in hanging locker aft of nav station, Note TV gain control and Nav tex hiddedn in here out of the way..

pilot house seating lifted for view out,

cabin entry steps, lift to access front of engine

again, quick easy access OR take the whole surround out for FULL access,
60 Amp Alternator upgrade gives good charging ability,

Battery switches aft under seat. and many 240v sockets about the boat