Early June 2018, ashore having a full "Service " as well as Engine and stern gear.

note the long keel deeper than the propeller.

polished topsides

transom, showing the stern thruster pod, wide trim planes, and deep swimming ladder

starboard side, showing steps moulded in to topsides,

aft starboard, showing, engineroom air intakes, and grey water exit points above static waterline, and heater exhaust just forward of the port.
and then Late June once back afloat;

water so clear you can easily see the new trim tab anodes. !

easy steps up from the aft platform, and emergency hatch aft, gives light and air to aft cabin

rudder and trim tabs all cleaned up on ashore service.

aft deck with rather smart Loose Teak table, new upholstery in this area, and new bimini

good size locker aft under seat with gas struts to lid,

cabin entry door to right, and aft facing seat with locker under,

I put the sun net covers on just to show, and note the external stereo speakers,

plenty of room for Warps, etc

Canvas dodgers, and the folded down fender holders can have legs and top cushions as extra seats, ( an option, this boat does not have)
The Teak is flat and clean

safe side decks , with tall rails and good grabs, this owner has had saftey netting fitted for grand children

Recent In service lift raft sits in port side locker

Fabulous fordeck relaxing area, with sun pad cushion set, and pop up seat shown open,

anchor arrangement, electric windlass with plug in remotes or controls from helm,

chain locker access , room in her to stow a fender or two as well.

fun option, and very popular spot when pottering along gently,

flat screens reduce any distortion from curved glass, note also hot the decent eyebrow is doing its job at shading the sun from your view forward

clean smooth lines are pleaseing to the eye and touch,

and sun nets for forward screen windows,

Big Feature, The electric hatch runs well forward and open up the whole of the wheelhouse/ upper saloon, and has a clever pump up seal arrangement to stop leaks when bashing on in some chop, good view of the new radar dome and Sat Dome fitted 2018.

to right as you enter aft cabin door, this locker has a fresh water tap, and you can see manual bilge pump pint just outside,

Helm set to starboard double glazed toughened glass

smart simple dash, with left, new aircon control, simrad autopilot head, then new Simrad nav screen touch control for radar and GPS Plotter,
left bow and stern thruster joy sticks,

remotes for the autopilot, and DSC./VHF hand set.

Air damped seat, with electrics cupboard behind

Oceanair blinds to all side windows in wheelhouse,

breakers, and switches, and inverter/charger controls, and top up bottle to steering system

easy access to electrics

port side, upper saloon, lifted so a good view out under way. or just sat in harbour, unmarked high gloss Cherry woodwork

roof hatch slides forward

aft opening window, with red /green buttons just visible left by aircon grill, these lift and drop the full radar arch together with scanner and dome, which makes low bridge work easy.

Middle window opens outward, smart "keyhole" shape on entry to lower saloon, is beautiful and is typical of the asthetics of these "smooth and rounded " Elling designs. But Elling do get the "Form over Function" mix exactly right in My view.

dinette set to starboard,, STUNNING table, and two loose stools

port side, two proper Chairs.. and tv etc between, good lockers over and aircon grills around.

lower shot , this is a bright spacious saloon, with full headroom, and a real sence of "wellbeing"

galley left of shot,

looking aft in saloon, captains cabin left of shot,

up shot, to wheelhouse roof, note the curves on everything, and the work involved to make the stereo speakers part of the boat,

captains cabin, the pile of white boxes are NOT usually there, ( new posh sound proofing, which I guess is being increased from standard)
this area has a single fore and aft berth at desk height ..or can have a stool and be used as a work station. behind the door is an access panel to engien from starbord side,

Galley right down port side aft, sorry BRIGHT sunshine seems to have over exposed photo!

washer inboard side,

inboard side of galley has huge engine access panel. and well lit engine area.

dishwasher under work top aft of ceramic hob,

Boat spares stored ready

Wine bottle racks under floor,

good fridge, freezer and combi microwave at top,

view forward from aft cabin entry door, the Gloss finish is unmarked and stunning.

aft cabin, first view, double berth, set to port aft corner, access panels under to drop in to battery and rudder access.

view to aft starboard corner, ensuite, note tv left,

and here you can see the aft engine acces hatch, under the mirror

heads,shower round to right of shot

shower with solid door

access to servcies panel, something Elling are very good at

forward is access door to generator and excellent Kabolar diesel fired central heating system, Wet system with rads round the boat

view from heads back to cabin entry right

Now forward, good lockers, under floor access to bow prop,

looking across to head of port berth, deck hatch over

Day heads and shower port forward end of saloon

good shower space

More engine access details

well lit

looking aft port side, black aft access doorbehind light

forward end looking across to black access door rom Captains cabin,

aft access from aft cabin, easy for fuel filter, seacocks, and raw water strainer, as well as shaft exit